
Emily is an extremely proud ambassador for the Canberra community, having raised over 50,000 for local charities.

For her efforts over numerous years, Emily has previously been nominated for both young citizen of the year and volunteer of the year in the ACT and has had a significant impact on her local community.

Formerly an official ambassador for the cancer council ACT, Emily has worked for years to encourage sun safety in young people and used her pageantry platform to bring the cancer council ACT to the National stage. 

Working with organisations such as The Cancer Council ACT, Variety, The Breast Cancer Foundation, Lifeline, Kids Cancer Project and more – Emily works to improve the lives of those around her and encourages her networks to do the same.

The Cancer Council ACT Ambassador

Cancer Council ACT is a member of the Cancer Council Federation.  It is a non-government not-for-profit community organisation that aims to promote a healthier community by reducing the incidence and impact of cancer in the ACT region. 

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ADHD Australia Foundation

ADHD Australia is a national charity that aims to improve the lives of people with ADHD and their supporters.

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